Request for Proposal



Mail Firm


In preparation for the 2024 election and beyond, the Dallas County Democratic Party is searching for an experienced mail firm. Throughout the course of the coordinated campaign, we want to send at least four pieces to different universes within the county. 

Additionally, the ideal mail firm can assist in designing walk pieces and other campaign literature for a more cohesive image and message, as well as work with a union printer that can provide standard materials that we may need. 


The Dallas County Democratic Party is on the front lines of the fight to save our democracy in a state led by extremists desperate to hold on to political power, afraid of the people, and suppressing votes instead of delivering basic resources like electricity.

Our diverse county serves 2.6 million people across 900 square miles. We work each day to grow our majority in Dallas County, and turn Texas blue. We will register Democratic voters, and turn out each voter in every neighborhood with our broad coalition of elected officials, Precinct Chairs, clubs, and activists from every part of the county.

Dallas County Democrats are an inclusive, people-powered movement that believes in equal opportunity, fairness, freedom, family, community, and a responsibility to ourselves and each other. 

Please send proposals and three samples to by June 24, 2024.