Carrollton Democrats
Maximize Carrollton's voter registration/voting in both Dallas & Denton Counties. We support local/regional Democratic candidates and adjacent communities residents are welcome.
Deb Thobe - dthobe@thobe.com
- (972) 489-3326

Clean Elections Texas
Clean Elections Texas, or CETex, is a non-partisan organization that seeks to promote open and accountable government in Texas by building statewide support for a public funding or small donor option for candidates seeking public office in the state while also advocating for other measures that reform our campaign and election systems to support a more transparent government.
David Jones, President - David@joneslawdallas.com
- (469) 831-4752
- https://www.cleanelectionstx.org/
Coppell/Valley Ranch Democrats
Organization is open to anyone that believes in the Democratic way! We meet regularly through the year and support local Democratic voter turnout efforts.
Terry Barker - terry.barker@tx.rr.com
- (972) 795-1636
- http://www.cvrdems.com/

Dallas County Tejano Democrats
DCTD seeks to maximize the participation of Hispanics in the Democratic Party as a powerful force in determining elections at all levels of the political process.
Patricia Munoz - silvercreek11@gmail.com
- (214) 868-3880
- https://dctdems.org/

Dallas County Young Democrats
The official club for Democrats age 14-40 in Dallas County. We are members of Texas Young Democrats and Young Democrats of America Chapter.
Chris Leal, President - https://dallasyoungdems.wildapricot.org/

Democratic Socialists of America
DSA-North Texas’ goal is to build a strong progressive movement for social change while establishing an openly democratic socialist presence in North Texas. At the root of our socialism is a profound commitment to democracy, as means and end. DSA-North Texas is committed to the fight for social and economic justice for all people.

Downtown Dallas Democrats
Downtown Dallas is a large, diverse, and fast paced community we call home. Join us as we engage one another as neighbors and make our voices heard in our gov't and in the Democratic Party!
Gavin Nicholson - downtowndallasdems@gmail.com

Drinking Liberally Addison
Promoting democracy one pint at a time!
John Turner-McClelland - addison@drinkingliberally.org

East Dallas County Democrats
Club that serves Eastern and Southeastern Dallas, as well as Texas House District 100, 107, 110, 113, Texas Senate District 2, U.S. Congressional District 5.
Amanda Harris - (972) 284-9073

Far North Dallas Richardson Democrats
Formed in 2004, the Far North Dallas Richardson Democrats are political activists who live in the North Dallas and Richardson areas. Members are residents of Dallas, Denton or Collin County.
Bob Franklin, President - rnilknarf@aol.com
- (214) 415-4761

Funky East Dallas Democrats
Funky East Dallas Democrats are volunteer activists focused on increasing voter turnout through precinct-level organizing, and building Democratic community through FUN!
Tricia Sanders - txfedds@gmail.com
- (214) 673-3772
- https://funkyeastdallasdemocrats.com/

Garland Area Democratic Club
The GADC is a club representing Democrats in Garland and the surrounding cities of Mesquite, Sachse, Murphy, Rowlett, Rockwall and parts of northeastern Dallas.
John Combs - jhcombs117@gmail.com
- http://garlanddemocrats.org/

Garland Democratic Woman's Club
Over 50 years old GDWC, has been a place for Democratic women and men to meet to discuss political issues and to meet candidates and elected officials.
Arlene Beasley - Arbea25199@aol.com

Irving Democrats
The Irving Democrats group is working to restore Democratic leadership in Irving at all levels of government.
Benedict Parks, President - irvingdemocrats@att.net
- (214) 868-8426
Irving Texas Democratic Women
Irving Texas Democratic Women are committed to bringing Democratic voters out to vote and meet regularly to learn more about current and social issues.
Fatema Biviji - fatema.m.biviji@gmail.com

Lake Highlands/White Rock Democrats
Join the LHWR Democrats to support and elect Democratic candidates, to promote political awareness and participation in the Democratic Party, and to provide a forum for the discussion of issues.
Brian Hasenbauer - admin@lhwrdemocrats.org
- (469) 759-3832
- https://www.lhwrdemocrats.org/

Lake Ray Hubbard Democrats
We welcome anyone who agrees with Democratic ideals, and those who vote for, and want to support our Democratic candidates and values.
- lakerayhubbarddems@gmail.com

Liberal Women
A Dallas-based group for liberal-minded women who freely share strong opinions, genuine laughter, thought-provoking conversation, and concern for the world around us. Get together at our recurring luncheons and other group activities to connect with women of all ages, faiths, agnostics, and atheists. Open to all liberal and progressive women in the DFW area. Lunch meetings 2nd and 4th Saturdays at BJ’s Roadhouse on Beltline and Dallas Tollroad.
Barbara Whitehead - Bwhitehead2590@gmail.com
- https://www.meetup.com/Liberal-Women/
Metrocrest Democrats
The mission of the Metrocrest Democrats is to advance the success of the Democratic Party throughout suburban Northwest Dallas County and Southeast Denton County promoting active civic participation, educating on values and issues, and supporting candidates for elective office.
Mary Clare Fabishak - maryclarefab@gmail.com
- (972) 839-9600
- http://www.metrocrestdemocrats.org/

Mexican American Democrats of Texas
The purpose of this organization shall be to seek full representation of Mexican Americans at all levels and in all activities of the Democratic Party.
Roberto Alonzo Jr., Chair - causa.mad@gmail.com
- (214) 329-3397
- http://www.madtex.org/

Muslim Democratic Caucus of Dallas County
The Muslim Democratic Caucus of Texas is dedicated to promoting the involvement of Muslim Texans in the Democratic Party for the benefit of all Texans. MDC of Texas is the founding chapter of American Muslim Democratic Caucus.
Aftab Siddiqui - aftab.a.siddiqui@gmail.com
- (817) 706-7495
- https://mdctexas.com/

North Dallas Texas Democratic Women
North Dallas Texas Democratic Women (NDTDW) will promote the increased political activity and awareness of Democratic women in Texas politics and government.
Carol Jabloski, President - info@ndtdw.com
- (972) 732-7712
- http://ndtdw.com/

North Oak Cliff Democrats
Social group for Democrats in North Oak Cliff, join us!
Doug Taylor - kessler.democrat@sbcglobal.net
- http://www.northoakcliffdems.org/

North Texas Asian Democrats
The purpose of N.T.A.D. is to encourage Asian-American participation in the campaigns of Democratic candidates.
Our Revolution North Texas
Our Revolution Texas is a statewide progressive populist organization here to revolutionize Texas politics.

Park Cities Women Democratic Association
We make it easy for you to connect with like-minded neighbors by holding monthly meetings and occasional social activities. So that you can be a more informed voter, we provide the opportunity to meet local Democratic candidates face to face. We will give you updates on local, state or federal legislative issues that may be important to you.
Molly Salmon - mcsalmon@swbell.net
- https://www.pcdwa.org/

Preston Hollow Democrats
Meet with like-minded Democrats in Texas Senate District #16 and Texas House District #114, local elected officials, candidates, Democratic Party officials, invited speakers and guests.
George Edwards - drdonkey@thephd.org
- http://thephd.org/
Progressive Voters League - A New Era
We are the Progressive Voters League - A New Era, one of the oldest and longest running clubs in Dallas County
Dr. Stephen Jones - pvlnewera@gmail.com

Richardson Area Democrats
Help Democrats in the Richardson area find local, relevant information about Democrats and to Identify progressive candidates and elect them to office.
Ginny Laughlin, President - info@rad.vote
- (972) 333-1031
- https://rad.vote/

Southwest Dallas County Democrats
Democrats in Southwest Dallas County, covering: Cedar Hill, Desoto, Duncanville, Lancaster, Glen Heights, Southwest Dallas and West Dallas.
Thelma Clardy - swdalcodems@yahoo.com
- (972) 201-5426

Stonewall Democrats of Dallas
Stonewall Democrats of Dallas is an organization of politically active individuals working for the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender community in the city of Dallas and the state of Texas

Texas Coalition of Black Democrats - Dallas County Chapter
Texas Coalition of Black Democrats - Dallas Chapter promotes African American's to have an active interest in Governmental Affairs, particularly the Democratic Party.

The 23rd Senatorial District Tejano Democrats
The 23rd Senatorial District Tejano Democrats aims for Hispanics/Tejanos to participate in the Democratic Party involvement in the Blue Wave of Dallas!
DavidPérez Hurley, Chair - the23rdsdtd@gmail.com
- (972) 445-9311
- https://www.the23rdsdtd.com
University of Texas at Dallas College Democrats
The UTD College Democrats are committed to informing students of the motives of the Democratic party, while upholding the party platform through service awareness and social justice.
George Cuba - george.e.cuba@utdallas.edu

Women Organizing Women Democrats
WOW Dems is a North Texas-based organization whose mission includes expanding the participation of women in politics by increasing their political engagement, raising awareness about women’s issues, and recruiting, supporting, and electing Democratic women to partisan and non-partisan offices.
Sarah Lassberg - president@wowdems.org
- http://www.wowdems.org

Women of Dallas United for Action
Women of Dallas United for Action is a political, education, advocacy, and networking group helping to elect principled candidates to create a more just society.
Ann Zimmerman Gallant - annzimmerman18@gmail.com
- (214) 202-2433
- http://wdua.org